第1部 第2部 3列宁专集 4十月革命专集 5斯大林专集 6十月革命节专集 7赫鲁晓夫专集 8勃烈日涅夫专集 9战胜法西斯专集 10苏联宣传画专集1 宣传画专集2 11苏联勋章专集 12名人头像专集
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列昂尼德 伊里奇 勃列日涅夫 (Леонид Ильич Брежнев)
1906年12月19日生于第聂伯彼得罗夫斯克; 1982年11月10日逝世; 1906年12月19日,列昂尼德·伊里奇·勃列日涅夫出生在第聂伯罗捷尔任斯克市一个冶金工人家庭。他15岁进入钢铁厂做工,17岁加入共青团。1931年,勃列日涅夫加入共产党,并进入第聂伯罗捷尔任斯克冶金学院学习,兼任该学院党委书记。毕业后,他成为冶金工程师的职称。1939年他出任第聂伯罗波德罗夫斯克州党委书记。 |
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![]() ![]() 对于斯大林、赫鲁晓夫这样有争议的苏联领导,通常是有褒有贬,但是对于勃烈日涅夫,最恶毒的话也就是“停滞时期”之类的话。曾经有幸生活在勃烈日涅夫时代的人,至今仍然怀念那个最接近共产主义的时代,仍然怀念那几个让让苏联达到鼎盛的伟大人物:勃烈日涅夫,柯锡金,苏斯洛夫。。。。勃烈日涅夫的改革是最稳妥的社会主义改革,勃烈日涅夫也是对集体领导原则领导理解最深的苏联领导 |
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政治鼓动干部勃列日涅夫降临小地,水兵如有神助,奋勇杀敌。 |
![]() 刚刚上台的勃总和他的首席谋士苏斯洛夫以胜利者的姿态意气风发地站在列宁墓上向苏维埃人招手。 苏老在苏联拥有巨大的威望,常常充当高层领导之间争论的最高仲裁,他的存在一定程度上证明勃总继承权的合法性。 |
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![]() 1982年11月10日8点30分警卫发现勃列日涅夫在床上仙逝了。第二天苏共中央召开全会,推选安德罗波夫接替勃烈日涅夫的伟大事业。 |
![]() ![]() 勃烈日涅夫后面的两位短命总书记,左边的安德罗波夫任了15年克格勃主席,有一定的改革精神。右边的是契尔年科,以对勃烈日涅夫忠心耿耿著称. |
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勃总英文生平(摘自1986年版大不列颠百科全书) 此版本勃总生平介绍,行文风格简洁明快,所持态度客观公正,所以推荐,也锻炼大家英文阅读。 培文元帅提供 米沙大元帅翻译 Leonid Ilych Brezhnev 1915-17: Attends classical gymnasium, one of six workers' children among 45 students. Likes math best; does average work, poorly in foreign languages. 最喜欢数学,外语最差 1917: Great October Socialist Revolution. 伟大十月社会主义革命爆发 1920: Gets typhoid. 得了伤寒 1921: Family moves to Kursk. 搬家到库尔斯克 1922: Starts work at factory. 开始在工厂做工 1920s: Performs in amateur theatrics. 业余时间表演节目 1923: Joins Komsomol. 加入共青团 1924: Starts land management and reclamation technical school, Kursk. 192?: In Kursk, attends poetry reading by Mayakovsky 接触马雅可夫斯基的诗 1927: Graduates from land management and reclamation technical school, Kursk; sent to work as land surveyor in Kursk oblast, then in Byelorussia, near Orsh, where he meets future bride, Victoria Petrovna.(中等技校毕业,当土地整理员,结识了未来的妻子) 1928: Sent to Urals, first to Mikhailovsky, then Bisertsky raion, where he's made head of raion land department.到乌拉尔工作 1929: Made candidate member of Communist Party. 成为预备党员 1930: Returns to Kamenskoye. Enrolls in evening classes in metallurgical institute while holding a day job at the factory first as a boiler stoker, then an oilier of steam-driven machines, then a fitter. 在冶金学校上夜校,白天从事司炉工的工作。 1930: Dnieper threatens to flood factory; Brezhnev made head of Emergency Flood-Control Commission. 组织第涅伯防洪委员会 1930 (??): Made vice chairman of Bisertsky executive committee (raiispolkom). 1931: Made deputy head of Ural Okrug land directorate. 1931 Oct 24: Made full member of Communist Party. 正式入党 1932: Made party organizer at metallurgical institute; then chairman of trade-union committee; then secretary of institute party committee. 在冶金学校参加党的工作 1933: Becomes director of evening metallurgical workers' school. 1935: Graduated Arsenich Metallurgical Institute in Dneproderzhinsk (Kamenskoye); thesis "The Design of Electrostatic Cleaning of Furnace Gas in the F.E. Dzerzhinsk Factory" graded as "excellent"; gets professional designation of "engineer-heat power plant worker"; becomes shift foreman at factory's power plant; Plant's newspaper Znamya Dzerzhinki noted "he is made of strong metal." 第涅伯彼得罗夫斯克冶金学院毕业,成为冶金工程师,在该市任工厂领班,报纸称他为钢铁制成的人 1935 Nov: Drafted into army. First goes to tank school in Zabaikal military Okrug; then is a political instructor in tank company. 应征入伍,第一次去坦克学校,然后去坦克工厂当政治教导员 1936: Released from army. 复员 1936: Director Dneproderzhinsk Metallurgical Technical College. 任教于第涅伯彼得罗夫斯克冶金学院 1937: Beginning of Stalin's great terror, i.e., `Ezhovshchina", creating many vacancies in party and government posts. 1937 May: Made deputy chairman of executive committee (ispolkom) of Dneproderzhinsk City Soviet. 第涅伯彼得罗夫斯克市苏维埃副主席 1938 May: Named head of a dept, Dnepropetrovsk Obkom; gets nickname of "ballerina"(RM.96). 任州委一个部长,得了个外号ballerina 1939 Feb: Secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Obkom, in charge of Defense Industry. 任该州州委书记,负责防务工作 1941 Jun: After Nazi invasion, works to evacuate population and factories; participates in choosing underground workers to be left in area; has rank of regimental commissar. 纳粹进攻了,忙于疏散人口和工厂,参加选择地下抵抗运动的工作。团级政委军衔 1941 Jul: Sent to front. 冲上前线 1941 Oct: Made deputy head of political administration, Southern Front; rank, brigade-commissar.南方面政治部副主任,旅军衔 1942 Mar: Gets first order--Order of the Red Banner for participation in successful Barvenkovo-Lazovskaya operation, commanded by Malinovsky; when asked to describe the fighting, all he says is, "It was hard." 在马林诺夫斯基指挥下,在巴尔文科沃战役第一个获得勋章-红旗勋章,当被问及战斗时,他只是说“很艰苦” 1942 autumn: Sent to Caucases and made deputy head of political administration in the Chernomorsky group, Zakavkaz front. 在高加索方面军一个集群当政治部副主任 1943 Jan: Rank changed to colonel (renaming, not promotion). 军衔改为上校,实际是全军军衔重命名,没有提升。 1943 Apr 1: Made Chief of Political Department, 18th Army; around this time, makes acquaintance with Major-General A.A. Grechko; possibly also meets Suslov and Kirilenko. 任18集团军政治部主任,这是个重要的时期,认识了日后最亲密的战友格列奇科,可能还会见了苏斯洛夫和基里连科 1943, April-May: Takes part in battle around Malaya Zemlya, Novorossiisk. "Until Brezhnev transformed it into a major battle 30 years later, it was a minor episode of the war."(ZM.217). 在新罗西斯克英勇作战,当30年之后到主战场追忆的时候,只是一个次要战线 1943: German offensive in northern Caucuses stopped. 阻止了德国人对高加索的进攻 1943, autumn: 18th Army now put in 1st Ukrainian front; Brezhnev now subordinate to Khrushchev. 18集团军转隶乌克兰第一方面军 ,在赫鲁晓夫直属领导下 1944 May 1: Brezhnev, along with 500,000 other soldiers, receives "For Defense of the Caucuses" medal. Other war-era medals he eventually gets: second Order of the Red Banner; Order of the Red Star; Order of Bogdan Khmelnitski, 2nd class. 被授予保卫高加索奖章,其他奖章还有两枚红旗勋章,一枚红星勋章,二级波格丹 1944 Nov 2: Made Major-General. 少将军衔 1945 May 12: Made Head of Political Administration, 4th Ukrainian Front. (Official bio says its Jan; archivist says it's May); meets end of war in Prague. 乌克兰第四方面军政治部主任,官方说是在一月,档案却显示在五月,布拉格战役行将结束时 1945 Jun 24: Marches in Victory Parade, Red Square; then named chief of Political Administration, Prikarpatskii Military Okrug (formed from 4th Ukrainian Front). 参加胜利阅兵 1946 Aug: Demobilized from Army, made 1st Secretary, Zaparozhskii Obkom, Ukraine; his 2nd Secretary is A.P. Kirilenko.战后复员继续从事地方党务工作,担任乌克兰共产党扎波罗热州委第一书记,副手是基里连科 1947: Gets Order of Lenin for work in reconstruction of Zaporozhstal Steel Factory. 重建扎波罗热钢铁厂,获得列宁勋章 1947 Nov 21: Named 1st Secretary, Dnepropetrovsk Obkom. 第涅伯彼得罗夫斯克州委第一书记 1949 Jan: Elected member of Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party. 入选乌克兰共产党中央委员会 1950, spring: Elected deputy to Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 最高苏维埃代表 1950, spring: Sent to Moldavia as representative of Central Committee. 到摩尔达维亚工作 1950 Jul: Elected First Secretary in Moldavia. Works there with Chernenko. 摩尔达维亚第一书记,和契尔年科一起工作 1952 Sep: First All-Union article published in "Bolshevik"; article entitled "Criticism and Self-Criticism--A Proven Method of Cadre Education". 命名为苏联共产党,发表文章《干部教育中的批评与自我批评》 1952 Oct: Delegate to 19th Party Congress; elected to congress's mandate commission; gives speech on fourth day of congress. 当选19大代表,在大会第四天发言 1952 Oct: Elected to Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at 19th Party Congress. 在19大上当选中央委员 1952 Oct: Elected Candidate Member of Presidium (formerly Politburo) and Secretary of the Central Committee. Relieved of duties in Moldavia, but not given any new assignments. 主席团候补委员,中央书记,解除在摩尔达维亚的职位,等待新任命 1952 Nov 7: Seeing Brezhnev, Stalin says, "What a handsome Moldavian". (Might have occurred in Oct at Party Congress--RM.67).被斯大林称为英俊的摩尔达维亚人,这次相遇可能在党代会期间 1953: Stalin dies. 斯大林逝世了 1953: Removed from Politburo and Secretariat. 落选政治局和书记处 1953 Mar: Appointed head of Political Directorate of the Army and the Navy, with rank of Lieutenant-General. 陆海军总政治部副主任,中将 1954 Feb: Made 2nd Secretary in Kazakhstan at start of virgin lands campaign. 哈萨克共产党中央第二书记,垦荒运动开始 1955 Aug: Made 1st Secretary of Kazakhstan; (previous 1st Sec, P.K. Ponomarenko, was a Malenkov man). 哈萨克共产党中央第一书记,替代波诺马连科-马林科夫的人 1956 Jan: Kunaev elected to Bureau of CC Kazakhstan. 库纳耶夫入选哈萨克政治局,任部长会议主席 1956 Feb: Made Secretary and candidate member of Politburo; given control over defense industry, space program, heavy industry, and capital construction. 政治局候补委员,负责国防、宇航、重工作和城市建设的工作。 1957 Jun: Presidum's recommendation to oust Khrushchev rejected by Central Committee. Brezhnev supports Khrushchev. During heated arguments, Brezhnev, suffering a verbal attack from Kaganovich, faints. (RM.87). 在打倒反党集团的斗争中支持赫鲁晓夫,在舌战中,忍受卡冈诺唯奇激烈的攻击。 1957 Jun: Elected Member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. 苏共中央主席团成员 1957 Oct: Sputnik I launched. 人类第一颗人造地球卫星上天 1958: Made Deputy Chairman of CC Bureau for Russian Federation Affairs (Bur CC CPSU of RSFSR). 兼任俄罗斯联邦副主席 1959: Visits American exhibition in Moscow. 在莫斯科访问美国展览会 1959: Elected Second Secretary of CC. 第二书记 1960 May - 1963: President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. (Giving up Secretary position). Gets reputation in West as best-dressed Soviet leader. 苏联最高苏维埃主席团主席,在西方被认为是着装最体面的苏联领袖 1960 Sep: Visits German Democratic Republic. 访问民德 1961 Feb: When flying to Africa, his plane is shot at by French fighters, claiming he was off course. (RM.94) 飞往非洲时遭到法国飞行员射击 1961 Apr: Following Gagarin's space flight, Brezhnev is made Hero of Socialist Labor for his contribution to the development of rocketry and for ensuring the success of the space flight. 因成功确保加加林的宇宙航行,被授予1枚社会主义劳动英雄“镰刀斧头”金质奖章 1961 Sep: Visits Finland. 访问芬兰 1963: Elected Secretary of CC, replacing Kozlov. 当选中央书记,代替健康出问题的科兹洛夫 1964 Apr: Delivers main speech at Khrushchev's birthday party. 1964 Oct 5: Leads delegation to East Germany for its 15th anniversary. 为赫鲁晓夫致生日贺词。去民德庆贺国庆15周年 1964 Oct: Khrushchev ousted. 赫鲁晓夫被扳倒 1964 Oct 14: Elected First Secretary of CC CPSU. 当选苏共中央第一书记 1964: Named Chairman of Defense Soviet. 国防委员会主席 1965 May: In speech commemorating 20th anniversary of defeat of German fascism, mentions Stalin positively. 胜利20周年大庆时重新提及斯大林的功绩 1965 May: Given Hero of Soviet Union in recognition of his wartime service. 为战争时期的功勋者颁发苏联英雄称号 1965-1966: Prior to 23rd Party Congress power struggle emerges between Suslov and Shelepin as possible First Secretaries. This only improves Brezhnev's position. Podgorny and Kosygin support Brezhnev because a "weak" First Secretary improves their own security. 23大上苏老和谢总可能爆发争夺,波德戈尔内和柯西金支持懦弱的勃总 1966 Jan 12-17: 访问蒙古,苏蒙友好条约延期20年 1966 Apr: 23rd Party Congress deletes regulation about mandatory regular changes in leading party posts; changes Brezhnev's title to "General Secretary". 苏共中央总书记 1966 Dec 19: 60th Birthday. Given Hero of Soviet Union Medal. 60岁生日时第一次获得苏联英雄称号 1967 May: Semichastnii removed as head of KGB; Shelepin removed from post of Secretary. 谢列平势败 1967 Sep 29: 检阅在乌克兰和白俄罗斯进行“第聂伯”大演习的官兵,宣称苏联先进的武器可以迅速让任何不自量力的侵略者安静下来 1967 Nov 3: 出席十月革命50周年庆祝大会,在题为“社会主义伟大胜利的50年”的报告中首次发达社会主义的概念 1967 Dec 8: Visits Czechoslovakia. 访问捷克斯洛伐克 1968: Gets Order of Lenin with Gold Star and title of Hero of the Soviet Union for bravery during the war. 1968 Feb-Mar: Participates in Plenum of Moscow City Committee in which policy of "tightening of the screws" in ideology and culture is openly declared. 发表讲话提出“勃列日涅夫理论”,立场强硬 1968 Jul: Says that if "revisionist" tendencies win in Czechoslovakia, he will have to resign.(GA,147)声明如果修正主义者在捷克斯洛伐克得逞,他将辞职 1968 Aug 20: Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops enter Czechoslovakia to suppress Prague Spring. 华沙部队镇压布拉格之春 1969 Jun 5th-17th: 世界共产党和工人党国际会议在莫斯科召开,除中国、朝鲜、阿尔巴尼亚等极少数政党外,尽数参加,勃总和其他苏共领袖作了多个重要发言,会议宣言是'patiently, undramatically, but not unsuccessfully' 1969, spring: Border clashes with China. 中苏边境出现交火事件 1969 Dec: Rehabilitation of Stalin planned for celebration of his 90th birthday. Plan aborted after protests for Polish and Hungarian parties. 纪念斯大林诞辰90周年,遭到匈牙利和波兰同志的抵制 1970: Kulakov becomes candidate member of Politburo. 库拉科夫成为政治局候补委员 1971 Mar 30th-Apr 9th: 历史性的苏共二十四大,发布一系列政策,有利于发展发达社会主义时期的苏联国民经济 1971 Aug : 与社会主义阵营领袖们在黑海之滨度假,后参加黑海舰队军事演习 1971 Oct 25-30 :访问法国,上任以来第一次访问西方国家 1971 Nov 1st:劝告昂纳克同志在对西德立场上,采取更加灵活的立场 1972 May: Nixon visits Moscow. Detente begins. 尼克松访问莫斯科,缓和开始 1972 May 26: Brezhnev & Nixon sign SALT Treaty. SALT II Negotiations begin. 1972 Oct: US & USSR reach agreements on marine shipping, settlement of lend-lease accounts, credits, and trade. 1973: Visits Czechoslovakia. Says, "Many pages in my life are associated with your beautiful country." 访问捷克斯洛伐克时说:“我生命里充满对你们美丽国家的记忆” 1973 May: Visits West Germany. 访西德 1973 Jun 16: Arrives in USA for state visit. 赴美进行国事访问 1973 Jun 19: Meets with members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 会见美国参议院成员 1973 June 22: Signs Agreement on Prevention of Nuclear War with the US. 签定反导条约防止核战 1973 Jun 24: Delivers address on American TV. 在美国电视发表致辞 1973: Andropov becomes full member of Politburo. 安德罗波夫成为政治局委员 1973 Jul: Awarded Lenin Prize "For the Promotion of Peace Among Nations". 授予列宁和平奖 1973 Nov 26: Arrives in India for a visit. Concludes treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation. 访问印度,签定合作条约,定下和平,友好和协作的基调 1974 Jan: Visits Cuba. 访古 1974 Summer: Nixon visits Moscow. 夏天尼克松访问莫斯科 1974 Jul: Visits Poland. 访波 1974 Nov 23: Ford-Brezhnev summit in Vladivostok. 与福特在海参崴会见 1974 Dec: Visits Mongolia. 访蒙 1974 Dec: Visits France. 访法 1974 Dec: Suffers heart attack. Disappears from public view. (ZM.80) 心脏病发作,在公众视线消失 1975 Feb: Reemerges in public. 公众场合重新出现 1975 Feb: Soviet-British summit in Moscow with Harold Wilson. 苏英会谈 1975 Jul: Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft take off for US-Soviet linkup in outer space. 苏美太空船对接 1975 Jul: Meets visiting U.S. Senators. 会见美国参议员 1975 Jul 31th: Addresses Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, Helsinki. 出席欧洲安全会议 1975 Sep: Meets Soyuz-Apollo astronauts in Kremlin. 会见联盟-阿波罗宇航员 1975 Oct: French Preisdent d'Estaing visits Brezhnev in Moscow. 法国总统访问莫斯科 1975 Nov: Awarded F. Joliot-Curie Gold Medal of Peace. 居里夫人和平奖 1975: The worst agricultural year of Brezhnev's tenure. (ZM.78) 勃总任期内农业的最差一年 1976 Feb: 25th -Mar 5th: Party Congress. Delivers 6-hour report. Dmitri Polyansky made scapegoat for bad 1975 harvest and not reelected to Politburo. Kulakov's position consolidated.(ZM.79) 苏共二十五大,做了六个小时的总结报告,波利扬斯基落选政治局,库拉科夫的地位稳固 1976 May 28th: Signs Treaty on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes with the US. 禁止地下核实验 1976 May: Given rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union. 晋升苏联元帅军衔 1976 Oct: USSR concludes treaty of friendship and cooperation with Angola.和安哥拉签定合作条约 1976 Nov: Given Czechoslovak decorations. 1976 Dec 19th: 70th Birthday. According to official biography, "He was in the prime of his creative strength and energy."70岁生日,接受第五枚列宁勋章和第二枚金星奖章,蒙古苏赫巴托尔勋章,古巴吉隆滩勋章,波兰复兴大十字勋章,匈牙利国旗勋章,罗马尼亚一级星勋章,南斯拉夫自由勋章,官方传记里写道“他处在他最有创造性和最有精力的时期” 1977 Jan: Gives speech in Tula. 在图拉发表演讲 1977 Mar: Gives speech at 16th Congress of Soviet Trade Unions. 出席全苏工会16大 1977 Apr 4th-8th: 菲德尔 卡斯特罗访苏,勃总与其会谈 1977 May: Draft of new Constitution ready. Brezhnev is chairman of Constitutional Commission. 主持修订的新宪法生效 1977 Jun: Visits France. 访问法国 1977 Jun 16: Elected President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, replacing Podgorny. 自己当选最高苏维埃主席团主席,波德哥尔内被迫退休 1977, Septeth mber 21: Nuclear nonproliferation pact signed. 防核扩散条约签定 1977 Oct 5: Supreme Soviet meets to begin discussion of new Constitution; Brezhnev gives speech. 在最高苏维埃发表讲话,表述新宪法 1977 October 7: New Constitution adopted. Brezhnev gives speech acknowledging contribution of many, including M.S. Gorbachev. 戈尔巴乔夫当时是勃总演讲的忠实听众 1977: Chernenko, Brezhnev's personal chief of staff, made candidate member of Politburo. 契尔年科,他的个人秘书,成为政治局候补委员 1978 Jan 5: 授予苏斯洛夫 拉希多夫等人十月革命勋章 1978 Feb: Presents Hero of Socialist Labor award to Kulakov on his 60th birthday. 库拉科夫60岁,社会主义劳动英雄 1978 Feb 20: 在苏联武装力量建军60周年前夕被授予胜利勋章 1978 Mar 9: 会见巴解组织主席阿拉法特 1978 May: Visits West Germany. 访问西德 1978 Jul: Absent from Kulakov's funeral (as are Kosygin & Suslov). Reason for death unclear-officially, his heart "stopped".与柯老和苏老出席库拉科夫葬礼,死因不明。 1978 Sep: On way to Baku, stops in Mineralnye Vody; met by Gorbachev and others who report on good harvest.在去巴库的路上遇到戈尔巴乔夫,向他报告丰收 1978 Nov 1-9: 黎笋 范文同率越南党政代表团访苏,勃总发表声明,支持越南的内外政策 1978 Nov 27: Gorbachev made Secretary of CC, responsible for agriculture. Shevarnadze elected candidate member of Politburo. Chernenko made full member of Politburo. 戈尔巴乔夫成了负责农业的中央书记,谢瓦尔德纳泽当选政治局候补委员, 契尔年科-政治局委员 1978 Dec 12:接受列宁勋章和第三枚金星奖章 1979 Jan 1: 应联合国教科文组织请求,向少年儿童发表新年贺词电视讲话 1979 Feb 27: 授予劳尔 卡斯特罗列宁勋章 1979 Mar 6: 授予劳尔 卡斯特罗列宁勋章 1979 Jun 14: Signs SALT II with Carter.在维也纳会见美国总统卡特 1979 Aug 30: 匈牙利社会主义工人总书记卡达尔访苏,与勃总会谈 1979: Gorbachev becomes candidate member of Politburo. 戈尔巴乔夫-政治局候补委员 1979 Dec 28: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Decision to invade taken not by Politburo, but by informal meeting of several leaders. (GA,12) 入侵阿富汗,不是政治局决定的,是一些领导的非正式会谈中确定的 1979 Dec 29: 祝贺卡尔迈勒阿富汗人民minzhu党总书记,革命委员会主席和总理。 1980: Following American grain embargo, preliminary work done on 10-year Food Program. Work on this program was Gorbachev's chief task. 美国禁运粮食,戈尔巴乔夫为国家10年的口粮而奔忙 1980: Sakharov exiled to Gorky. 萨哈罗夫流亡 1980 Feb 4-11:柬埔寨人民革命委员会主席韩桑林访苏,与勃总会谈 1980 March 31: 接受列宁文学奖并在授奖仪式上讲话 1980: Bad harvest. Topsoil erosion accelerates. Food imports increase. 歉收,水土流失,粮食进口增加 1980 May 7 到贝尔格莱德参加铁托葬礼 1980 May 12 会见第十八集团军老战士 1980 Jul 19: 莫斯科奥运会开幕,勃总出席开幕式并宣布奥运会开幕 1980 Oct: Gorbachev promoted from candidate to full member of Politburo. 戈尔巴乔夫-政治局委员 1980 Oct 10: 叙利亚总统阿萨德访苏,签订苏联叙利亚《友好合作条约》为期二十年 1980 Oct 27: 接受埃塞俄比亚“荣誉之星”勋章 1981: 3rd bad harvest in a row. Food Program must be delayed. 第三次歉收 1981 Feb 23: Addresses 26th Party Congress. 苏共26大开始 1981 Mar 3: Final Session of 26th Congress. 苏共26大结束 1981 Apr: Visits Czechoslovakia for 16th Czech Party Conference. 出席捷克党16大 1981 May 9: Dedicates Ukrainian State History Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War in Kiev. 在基辅胜利博物馆题词 1981 May 5: Lays wreath at eternal flame in Tbilisi. 向第比利斯长明火献花 1981 May 25: Meets Georgian Party leaders in Tbilisi.会见格鲁吉亚领导 1981 May 27: Meets Jordan's King Hussein. 会见约旦国王候塞因 1981 Jun 2 & 17: Give medals to cosmonauts. 向宇航员颁发勋章 1981 Oct 26: Meets Pres. of Yemen Arab Republic Ali Abdall Salekh. 会见南也门总统阿里 1981 Oct 29: 接受“加入苏共五十年”奖章 1981 Sep 15: Gives medals to ministers of defense of GDR and Cuba. 向古巴和民德国防部长颁发勋章 1981 Sep 24: Gives Order of Lenin and second Hammer and Sickle Hero of Socialist Medal to Chernenko. 授予契尔年科列宁勋章和第二枚镰刀锤子勋章 1981 Nov 2: Talks with Indira Ghandi on phone. 和英迪拉.甘地通电话 1981 Nov 3: Published interview with West German "Spiegel". 接受西德报刊采访 1981 Nov 16: Gives speech at Party Plenum. 在中央全会演讲 1981 Nov 22-25: Visits West Germany. 访问西德 1981 Dec 4: Meets with Warsaw Pact ministers of defense. 会见华约国家国防部长 1981 Dec 15: Meets scientific delegation from Vatican. 会见罗马教廷科学院科学家代表 1981 Dec 16: Gets "Sun of Freedom" medal from Afghanistan's B.Karmal; meets with Arman Hammer. 接受阿富汗自由之日勋章 1981 Dec 19: 75th birthday. Receives Order of Lenin and "Gold Star-Hero of the Soviet Union" medal. Also receives medals from Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Romania, Czechoslovakia. 75年生日,授予金星和列宁勋章,被东欧各国授予各种勋章. 1982 Jan 29: 在苏斯洛夫的追悼会上讲话,称:“米哈伊尔.安德烈耶维奇整个有觉悟的一生自始至终都在全心全意地为我们伟大的共产党服务。” 1982 Mar: Scheduled announcement of Food Program delayed because Brezhnev is ill. 一个讲话延期因为勃总病了 1982 Mar 3: Meets with Jaruzelski, 1st Sec & Chairman of Soviet of Ministers of Poland. 会员波兰总统雅鲁泽尔斯基,对波兰进行军事接管 1982 Mar 16: Addresses 17th Congress of Trade Unions. 全苏工会理事会17大 1982 Mar 17: Gets Gold Medal from International Federation of Trade Unions. 全苏工会理事会金质奖章 1982 Mar 18: Meets Laos Prime Minister K. Fomvikhan (sp?). Gets Laos's "Golden Medal of the Nation". 会见老挝领袖丰威汗,并被授予老挝勋章 1982 Mar 23: Visits tractor factory, airplane factory, and kolkhoz near Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 访问乌兹别克斯坦塔什干附近的工厂农庄 1982 Mar 24: In Uzbekistan, gives republic Order of Lenin. 在乌兹别克斯坦被授予列宁勋章,期间发表对华关系的重要讲话 1982 Mar 25: Meets with Uzbek CC. 1982 Mar: On way back from Uzbekistan, suffers mild stroke. Is unconscious for several days; lost power of speech for several weeks. 受伤了,好几天不省人事 1982 May 4: Meets Nicaragua's D. Ortega.会见尼加拉瓜总统奥特加 1982 May 18: Gives speech at 19th Komsomol Congress. 共青团19大上讲话 1982 May 26: Meets with Austrian President Kirchslager (sp?). 会员奥地利总统 1982 May 26: Get medal "In memory of the 1500th anniversary of Kiev". 基辅建城1500年纪念 1982 May 31: Gets Order of Ho Chi Minh from Lee Zuan. 从黎笋那里获得胡志明勋章 1982 Jun 2: Meets with CSSP's Husak. 会见捷克斯洛伐克领袖胡萨克 1982 Jun 22: Meets G. Filipov, Chairman of Bulgarian Soviet of Ministers. Gets Bulgarian medal. 会见保加利亚部长会议主席 1982 Aug 16: Meets with Jaruzelski (sp) in Crimea. Chernenko there. 在克里米亚会见雅鲁泽尔斯基,契尔年科在座 1982 Sep: In Baku, reads wrong speech for seven minutes until an aide points out the error and gives him the right speech. 1982 Sep 15: 设宴招待也门社会党总书记、国家总理阿里.纳赛尔,接受也门minzhu人民共和国最高奖赏 1982 Sep 20: 就以色列军事屠杀巴勒斯坦难民之事致函美国总统里根 1982 Nov 7: Stands for hours in the cold on Lenin's Mausoleum to watch parade. 十月革命节上列宁墓上检阅受了几个小时冻 1982 Nov 10: Dies from heart attack at 8:30 A.M. 早上8点半心力衰竭而死 |